To be honest – I always thought that people are making it up, that the heat is that crazy in Death Valley. Last weekend i finally went there and i …
CaliforniaHikingNorth AmericaOutdoor & Sport
Yosemite Nationalpark How to hike Half Dome
von Sabivon SabiWhen i was doing my first roadtrip in California some years ago we were not going to Yosemite Nationalpark because of limited time and the road closures in winter. So …
I remember when i was writing my blogpost about San Francisco not too long ago, showing you what you have to see and telling that i’d love to go back. …
Before i was coming over to the United States, i accidently found out, that I should take my Lederhose (traditional trousers the boys usually are wearing) with me, because there …
Learning how to surf… this has been on my bucketlist for so long. I was always hoping for fulfilling my dream, but somehow it never worked out. In California, Daniel, …
On the way from San Diego in direction to the Grand Canyon is not that much too see, except the world famous motorbike street Route66 and the ruinous silverminecity Galico …
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